What You Need to Know for Open Enrollment
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 12, 2021 8:07:00 AM / by Donna Smith, BCPA posted in Medicare, Insurance, open enrollment, Obamacare
Open Enrollment is Just around the Corner
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 2, 2020 7:45:00 AM / by Donna Smith, BCPA posted in Medicare, Insurance, open enrollment
Whether your health insurance is through your employer, a private policy, or Medicare, you’re headed for open enrollment. This is when insurers make cost and benefit changes that will be effective January 1st. Your insurer is required to notify you in writing of upcoming plan benefit changes. Take the time to study those changes and the benefit details in any plan you are considering for your 2021 coverage. The choice you make will be in effect through December 31, 2021 unless you have a qualifying event, such as loss of coverage, that allows you to change coverage mid-year.